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Mentor of the Week: Shadow ARU Nurse Marcela Cakova in the Resuscitation Unit for Adults and Children

Written by Czech Hospital Placements Program on Monday, April 10, 2017

Resuscitation Unit, ARU, Mentors, University Hospital in Motol, Shadowing Nurses, Nursing, #Whocanbeyourmentor

In the Mentor of the Week series we introduce one professional, who act as the #CHPProgram mentor, representing his or her specialty department. This week we have chosen ARU nurse Marcela Cakova, who ssys: "Being a nurse in the ARU is more than just providing basic nursing care to a patient. You also have to know how to use medical devices and technical equipment such as a ventilator, injectomat, perfusor, vital-function screen, defibrillator, bronchoscope, and dialysis machines. When I was choosing my specialty, I asked myself a simple question: In which department would I learn the most?" As you already know, ARU was her decision. What does she mostly love about her work? How does her daily routine look like? And when did she realize that ARU nurse is going to be her future profession?

Why did I become a healthcare professional?

I would like to answer this question with “I always wanted to help people, animals…” But the truth is that as a child even cats were running away from me after a very poor paw bandaging. Some small details persuaded me to fill in an application to Charles University and to become a general nurse.
Right now, I am happy with my job and I know that I have chosen correctly. It is truly important to find an area that you like. I worked for 4 years as a ortho-prosthetic technician and that was not the right specialty for me.

Don’t be afraid to take this opportunity for a placement in emergency medicine.There is always positivity in our workplace, and when the tough moments come, they never last too long. 



What do I love the most about my specialty?

Even though ARU is very demanding environment, I enjoy the unusual. Sometimes we take care of hospitalized patients according to the daily program, but mostly we have to deal with unexpected situations. You never know when the emergency phone will ring.
Patients are brought to us in life-threating conditions, so one must always be ready to provide 100% immediate care.


What can you see by shadowing our team?

You will spend a part of my 12-hour shift with me and follow me everywhere. I will show you the basic nursing job tasks such as the re-application of bandages, managing decubitus, breathing and motional rehabilitation, as well as patient hygiene in multiple ways, according to the individual case.
We provide examinations as well as diagnostic procedures - bronchoscopy, CT, MRI, ultrasound, insertion of invasive inputs, and the preparation and dilution of medicine. You may see various types of medical techniques – ventilators, defibrillators, injectomats, perfusors, and devices for cooling or heating the patient.
The hospitalization of a patient includes an income box and also resuscitation and ensuring the main vital functions. Apart from these procedures we must provide CPR for the whole building for adults in the University Hospital in Motol.


Apart from being a healthcare professional…

Most of my time I spend with my dear children and husband. . I like playing volleyball, skiing, and dancing Zumba. I also like reading, and relaxing by walking through parks and forests.

My motto…

I don’t like words such as “I can’t”. Every day we can start again from the beginning.

See the BIO of ARU nurse Marcela Cakova' s colleagues and all about Resuscitation Unit for Adults and Children. Become an equal member of the nursing team as a mentee. 

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