Recent Blog articles

The Alumni Parent Perspective: There Is Nothing Worse Than Having a Job You Don't Like
What matters the most to parents of future healthcare professionals? How do they see the career life of their children and the challenges ahead of them? We asked Tom, father of our Alumna Payton, about his views on education, experiential learning, and the Czech Hospital Placements Program. Payton - who currently studies at San Diego State University - shadowed our mentoring teams in Emergency Department and Neurosurgery Specialized Center during summer and gained personal recommendation on behalf of the University Hospital in Motol.
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Czech Hospital Placements
Tips and Tricks for Your Successful Career

Student of the Week: Deniza, the Future Obstetrician?
Deniza is 22 a years-old pre-medical student of the University of West Georgia who came to Prague to shadow our professional mentoring teams in Obstetrics and Gynecology and Neurosurgery specialties. She comes from Macedonia and she plans to apply to US medical school next year. Her expectations from the CHP Program were to be able to discover which specialty would be the most suitable as well as finding an inspiration for her personal statement and application. She shares with us her favorite moment that happened during the night shift at Obstetrics and Gynecology Specialized Center in the following review.
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Czech Hospital Placements
Being a Healthcare Student

4 Useful Tips on Writing Your Personal Statement or Essay
The key to be genuine once expressing your ideas, opinions, and thoughts in the personal statement lies in its very name. You need to keep it personal. It is your time to present how hard you've worked and that the healthcare is not for you just one of several options but the ONLY one. There is nothing else that can help you more to stand out then being authentic about your experiences, your knowledge of the field, and about the things that motivate you. When you are authentic, you have simply no competition.
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Czech Hospital Placements
Being a Healthcare Student

Student of the Week: Joseph, the Future Neurosurgeon from Boston
Joseph is one of the talented U.S. students who choose to pursue the medical career and want a clinical work experience that would help them to reach their goal and get to learn as much a possible through shadowing of real professionals. What does Joseph say about his motivation to become a healthcare professional? "I want to become a healthcare professional because I am determined to provide assistance to people who are in need of treatment but lack the resources to obtain one. There are many places around the world where the rural areas do not have access to a medical facility like the urban environment." Let him tell us if he found in the CHP Program the experience he was hoping for.
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Czech Hospital Placements
Being a Healthcare Student

Student of the Week: Payton, the Future Trauma Surgeon from California
In our Student of the Week series, we introduce one of the CHP Program's students. Payton Olson comes from a sunny California, she is a pre-med student from San Diego State University. To her career plans, Payton says: “I am most interested in the surgical and emergency care aspects of the healthcare field. I hope to become a trauma surgeon in the future. I love a high-intensity work environment because I feel I perform the best under high-stress situations. As for the surgical aspect of the profession, the human body intrigues me, the way it functions and works and the fact that surgeons fix the body really interests me.“
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Czech Hospital Placements
Being a Healthcare Student
Behind the Scenes of the University Hospital in Motol
Being a Healthcare Student
Best Adventures While Travelling
Discover the Medical Specialties
Inspiration: Practical Experience of Healthcare Professionals
Obsolete vs. Visionary
The Better Health Care Professional Podcast
Tips and Tricks for Your Successful Career
Top News in Healthcare
Travels in COVID-era