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Prague - One of the Top Destinations (Again) in the World of 2016

There are only a few places in the world that are as wonderful as Prague ­ and millions of people come her every year to prove it. The beauty of the Czech capital is also proven by the travelers´ rating on Trip Advisor – the world largest traveler website. Prague reached an amazing 6th place as one of the top 25 destinations in the world! The pulsating city boasting its fairytale historical center has been among the top 10 stunning places on the planet for several years in a row. The city of a hundred spires – how Prague is rightly nicknamed - charmed the world renowned masters such as the famous composer Mozart, the influential writer Franz Kafka, and the eminent astronomer Tycho Brahe. It is not an accident that movies such as Casino Royale, Mission Impossible, A Knight´s Tale, and many more have chosen Prague as a shooting place for its gorgeous scenery. One can hardly describe you the glory of the city using nothing but a couple of words. But the pictures can tell more.

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  • 5/5/2016

  • Czech Hospital Placements

  • Best Adventures While Travelling

  • 5260

This Man is Cooler than Bond James Bond

Hushing a crying baby with a single word, juggling chainsaws or taming a lion, there are no problems for Stirling Gravitas, who controls all aspects of his life. But he is still affected by a serious medical issue.

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  • 5/4/2016

  • Czech Hospital Placements

  • Discover the Medical Specialties

  • 2300

The Qualities Every Medical Professional Should Possess

An Indecisive Doctor, an Unprofessional Dentist, an Insensitive Midwife, an Uncommunicative Physiotherapist or an Unqualified Nurse – These Are Not Qualities You Are Looking for Once Coming as a Patient.

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  • 5/3/2016

  • Czech Hospital Placements

  • Tips and Tricks for Your Successful Career

  • 6863

The Babybox: a Priceless Idea to Save a Baby or a Violation of Human Rights?

The nightmare of a city street: a newborn is found by a passer-by, abandoned down a dark, cold alley. The Babybox is a special hatch that offers a safe alternative for hopeless mothers, who are unable to cope with parenthood for various reasons and feel too ashamed to be identified. Until today, 122 babies have been found in Babyboxes, situated in big Czech cities since 2006. The Czech Republic is one of 11 European Union countries (out of 28), where this anonymous way to leave a child in a safe environment without being legally persecuted is possible. The big question is: do the baby hatches provide the best help for desperate women and save newborn lives, or does it just increase the irresponsibility of parents?

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  • 5/3/2016

  • Czech Hospital Placements

  • Obsolete vs. Visionary

  • 2735

How to Be Perfectly Prepared for your Hospital Work Experience in 7 Steps

Do you plan to join the hospital staff as a new team member, as an intern, or as a student for a shadowing placement? The big day is approaching, you are excited, and a little bit frightened at the same time about the challenging clinical environment where no two work days are the same. The preparation is a key to success, so why not to start with it right now from your PC? We bring you these useful tips on how to be perfectly prepared for your hospital work experience even before it starts. Get ready and enter the door to your healthcare career on the right foot.

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  • 5/3/2016

  • Czech Hospital Placements

  • Being a Healthcare Student

  • 3193