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6 Fantastic Czech Inventions That Changed The World
What would criminologists do without dactyloscopy? How many people would have need to wear glasses if there weren’t for contact lenses? How could doctors provide their patients with a safe blood transfusion without a knowledge of blood types? Czech scientists and doctors have always been contributing to the world’s greatest inventions. Discover the 6 of those which made our lives a lot easier.
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Czech Hospital Placements
Obsolete vs. Visionary
The Need for Caesarian Section - Failures and Successes
Nowadays, a caesarian section is a daily conducted procedure. On average, one in four births end with a C-section. That makes it currently the most conducted obstetric surgery in gynecology. As future healthcare professionals, it is important for you to know the history of the profession. The Knick series shows us a common historical practice. One of the cases in the series is Placenta Previa. What is that? How to help to the patient? What led to a successful solution?
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Czech Hospital Placements
Obsolete vs. Visionary
Meningitist that Caused the Need for Psychiatric Procedures
The history of medicine can be quite interesting, as well as, threatening. As an educational healthcare program we want to enlighten you the reality beyond the Knick stories (a medical TV series). This time with meningitis treatment and methods used in psychiatric asylums. Pulling out teeth to treat mental illnesses? FACT! Performing venesection in hope to save a little baby’s life? FACT! Parents taking photos of their own dead children? FACT!
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Czech Hospital Placements
Obsolete vs. Visionary
How to Cure the Lack of Motivation during your Studies?
Studying in university or college is demanding. If you study medicine, dentistry, nursing, or any other related field, it is even harder. Your friend is having a birthday party and you have to study. Your family is going on a weekend trip and again – you have to study. You want to go to the concert of your favorite band but … We could name a lot of things that you will need to give up, but how to get over it? How to stay motivated and not feel blue about missing a few events?
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Czech Hospital Placements
Being a Healthcare Student
Behind the Scenes of the University Hospital in Motol
Being a Healthcare Student
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Inspiration: Practical Experience of Healthcare Professionals
Obsolete vs. Visionary
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