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Get inspired: Who is the Most Fit Nurse on Instagram?

Running, lifting, working out. Sport activities are popular to share on social media. If you sport regularly, you know that in addition to the positive physical effect it helps your mind, too. Having good run after hours of studying anatomy will recharge your batteries and improve your endurance. The same way thinks about sports Masen Mills - known also as @nurse_muscles on Instagram. Masen works as a nurse and he is an U.S. Army Combat Veteran as well. He inspires more than 41.000 of his followers. What is his recipe for social media success?

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  • 2/8/2017

  • Czech Hospital Placements

  • Inspiration: Practical Experience of Healthcare Professionals

  • 6128

CHP Program Team: Introducing Andrea

We are very proud of the people we work with. Despite her youth, Andrea is a valuable and experienced member of the CHP Program Team. She knows exactly how you can feel once travelling abroad on your own and she always does her best to make our students feel at ease. As a student of marketing and media she takes care of our social media channels, too, and she loves to participate in creating content strategies for our study program.

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  • 1/27/2017

  • Czech Hospital Placements Program

  • Behind the Scenes of the University Hospital in Motol

  • 2688

Gorgeous Tattoos Give Back Confidence to Women Who Survived Breast Cancer

Mastectomy is a surgical removal of breast or both of them, partially or completely. Sometimes in case of a breast cancer it can be the only solution for saving woman' s health and life. In total, 56% woman who survived breast cancer are left with scars caused by mastectomy and often, their nipples were surgicaly removed. These women can undergo another surgery for breast reconstruction or not. But the project called P.Ink, meaning Personal Ink, comes with another solution – replace the scars by gorgeous tattoos.

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  • 1/24/2017

  • Czech Hospital Placements Program

  • Obsolete vs. Visionary

  • 4428

Get inspired: What is the Secret of @eldocjuanma, Doctor and Instagram Influencer?

We are happy to introduce to you another healthcare social media influencer doctor Juan M. Arellano Hernández known on Instagram as @eldocjuanma. Juan with over 39.000 followers dreamed about becoming a doctor ever since he was a child. Apart from his job in the hospital, this ambitious professional works as a medical coordinator in an NGO Unidaspor Mexico and he volunteered during Rio de Janeiro Olympic Games 2016. He communicates mainly in Spanish and his followers love him. What is the secret of his success on social media? Get inspired by the #CHPProgram!

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  • 1/22/2017

  • Czech Hospital Placements

  • Inspiration: Practical Experience of Healthcare Professionals

  • 3023

CHP Program Early Birds Offer: Imagine Dragons Show or Trip to Vienna?

We have a very special gift to all early birds students who book their placements with us till the end of February 2017! The first part is a special interview training in addition to hospital working hours and clinical insight tutorials and excursions to specialized centers in the University Hospital in Motol. The second part is a trip to one of our favourite destinations - Vienna, Budapest or Berlin - during weekends or tickets to Imaging Dragons or Sting during summer! Yay! :-)

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  • 1/12/2017

  • Czech Hospital Placements

  • Best Adventures While Travelling

  • 2192