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The Secret of Successful Therapy: Understanding and Communication
Top ice-hockey player Jaromir Jagr, tennis player and Olympic gold medalist Radek Stepanek or former president Vaclav Havel. Except their Czech nationality, what do these famous people have in common? They all have been provided with physiotherapy by clinician Professor PaeDr. Pavel Kolar, Ph.D. And not only them. The world renowned physical therapist and his colleagues take care of the Czech Olympic team, Davis Cup team, Soccer team and of the national ice hockey players. The list of the patients is still not completed...
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Czech Hospital Placements
Discover the Medical Specialties

Don´t Go to the University Interview until You Read these 5 Tips to Succeed in It
Your interview is scheduled? Congrats! Being invited for an interview is already a great achievement itself. Be proud. Your application was strong! It is the breaking point of your application. This is the time to persuade the admissions committee you belong to that school and healthcare is your true passion. You have about 20 minutes to do that...
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Czech Hospital Placements
Being a Healthcare Student

The Most Important Question for Everyone who Wants to Work in the Hospital Environment
Do you want to become a healthcare professional one day? To work as a doctor, nurse, dentist, paramedic, midwife, physiotherapist or a healthcare assistant? Once working in healthcare you must be ready to help people during their most difficult times. The healthcare professions are truly rewarding, however, on the other side there is a big responsibility, years of studying, and many stressful moments with your colleagues, patients, even your family and friends.
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Czech Hospital Placements
Inspiration: Practical Experience of Healthcare Professionals

Anesthesiology? All-embracing Medical Specialty
How to sum up in a few sentences the beauty of the anesthesiology specialty? We asked the experts for you. How does Doctor Martina, an anesthesiologist and mentor of the CHP Program, describe the spirit of the work of her and her colleagues? “The anesthesiologist has the opportunity to guide patients through various surgeries as gently as possible. They try to relieve the patient’s pain and take part in solving a patients’ problems, sometimes even life-saving. All of these aspects are a great satisfaction.”
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Czech Hospital Placements
Discover the Medical Specialties

Does Becoming a Nurse Practically Mean to Be in the Front Line?
Does becoming a nurse practically mean to be in the front line? As a nurse you are in the direct contact with patients and their families during one of the most difficult times for them and in the same time you must work together with other healthcare professionals fully concentrated on your common goal. How do the professional nurses of the CHP Program think about their path?
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Czech Hospital Placements
Inspiration: Practical Experience of Healthcare Professionals
Behind the Scenes of the University Hospital in Motol
Being a Healthcare Student
Best Adventures While Travelling
Discover the Medical Specialties
Inspiration: Practical Experience of Healthcare Professionals
Obsolete vs. Visionary
The Better Health Care Professional Podcast
Tips and Tricks for Your Successful Career
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